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Welcome to the Outdoor Learning information page.

Here you will find all the information you need about Outdoor Learning and when your child's sessions are.

Don't forget to scroll down and see what each year group has been up to by checking out our newsletters! 

Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning Team

Forest School Practitioner - Mrs Benson 


What is Outdoor Learning? 

Outdoor Learning involves any learning opportunity that takes place outdoors – it is not a subject in itself and does not replace anything. Instead, it provides an opportunity for children to take outdoors the same learning objectives (linked to the National Curriculum) that would have been covered inside a classroom, giving them a different learning experience and deeper understanding. This means that Outdoor Learning sessions vary hugely, covering Science, Maths, Geography, History, Art, P.E., D&T and often a combination of more than one!

The outdoor environment also broadens the range of opportunities and activities that can be offered to children, often using practical activities to learn; outdoor crafts, fire building, outdoor cooking and safe tool use are just a few of the activities that can be worked into the curriculum that would not be able to be done otherwise.

Why do we do it?

We believe the natural world is a wonderful platform that can inspire life-long learning in children whilst also providing them with a wealth of benefits academically, physically, socially and emotionally. We aim to give richness to the topics in study by providing hands-on learning opportunities where children exercise and interact with the outdoor environment. As well as being proven to benefit children with their academic performance in the classroom, we believe it also encourages healthy living, stimulates confidence and instils in children a love and wonder of nature. Using the world in which they live to learn - and developing their understanding of this further - aids them in becoming well rounded, global citizens that flourish. 

Kit List

At Holy Trinity School, we work on the principle that “there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing”! Children will partake in Outdoor Learning all year round, through all seasons and all weather. Therefore, please ensure your child comes in prepared with the following items on their Outdoor Learning days to enable them to take part in activities, regardless of the weather forecast!

On Outdoor Learning days, children must wear their usual PE kits into school:

  • Holy Trinity yellow PE polo shirt
  • Holy Trinity PE shorts/skort or trousers/tracksuit bottoms in a muted colour
  • Holy Trinity PE sweatshirt
  • Trainers (as for PE)

In addition, children must bring

 Autumn/Winter Kit List:

  • Waterproof trousers
  • Waterproof coat with a hood
  • Sturdy shoes/boots or wellies (in a separate bag)
  • Extra warm fleece/jumper
  • Warm socks
  • Woolly hat & gloves

Summer Kit List:

  • Waterproof trousers
  • Waterproof coat with a hood
  • Sturdy shoes/boots or wellies (in a separate bag)
  • Spare socks
  • Sun hat


 Please make sure all items are labelled with your child’s name.


Outdoor learning Information letter 

Spring Term Timetable 2025

Outdoor Learning Newsletters