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 Little Marlow

It is important for our pupils to gain a better understanding of the world them and how the natural and man world coincide. We nurture a passion for the planet by first putting it into the context of the pupil’s local area and then broaden this understanding through researching the wider world. Through a variety of technology, books and first-hand experiences of the outdoors, we create opportunities to learn about how different climates shape terrain and how others live, as well as the similarities different continents and locales have. Each area of learning is linked to the topic of the half term, to immerse the pupils within the world of geography. As they progress through the school, they pupils will learn fieldwork, map reading and orienteering skills to build upon previous learning within the school.

Geography Curriculum Statement, Overview & Progression 2023 - 2024

Holy Trinity

At Holy Trinity CE School, we aim to provide a high-quality geography education aiming for every child to flourish and reach their full potential.  Geography is an essential part of our curriculum, it provides a means of exploring, appreciating and understanding the world in which we live socially and naturally.  Geography explores the relationship between the Earth and its people through the study of place, space and environment.  We want our children to love geography, therefore our curriculum has been crafted so that our children can build on prior knowledge and understanding, develop age-appropriate skills and show curiosity at our school and beyond.   Through our lessons, we intend to inspire pupils to see how geography has shaped the wonderful world we live in and how it is changing around them and why.  We place an importance on global citizenship and we strive for our children to understand issues around the future of our planet and their place within it. 

Geography Curriculum Statement 2024 - 2025

Geography Curriculum Overview 2024 - 2025

Geography Skills Progression 2024 - 2025

Geography KS2 National Curriculum