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Little Marlow

We teach pupils through an age-appropriate, coherent account of Christianity, utilising key questions that shape the narrative of the sequence of lessons. We delve into other worldviews and ensure that each child will be able to ask questions, use a range of sources and skills to explore the traditions taught and have developed curiosity about how and why people think and act. They are encouraged to know that there is more to learn about religious and nonreligious worldviews and develop their skills to research further. We ensure pupils will understand that there are different ways of interpreting texts, and that different people reach different conclusions about what is true, good, right, and wrong. Fostering a curios mind to enable the pupils to discover their own understanding of religion and their own beliefs is important to us.

RE Curriculum Statement, Overview & Progression 2023 - 2024

Holy Trinity

As a church school Religious Education is a core subject at Holy Trinity and is taught for an hour a week across all year groups. Every year group has a topic that changes each half-term or term and covers a range of themes many of which will build directly on topics the pupils will have covered in previous years. Whilst the primary religion we focus on is Christianity, pupils will also look at Hinduism, Judaism, Islam and a more spiritual, faith-based approach to some of the big questions. Pupils learn through a wide range of approaches include discussion, role play, worksheets and more opened-ended written tasks.

At Holy Trinity Collective Worship is an important part of our day where we can gather together as a whole school to reflect and explore important topics. Collective Worships will be led by a range of different teaching staff throughout the year and supported by the input and ideas of the pupils. They will look at a wide range of topics to do with both Christianity and other major world faiths. We will also explore the meanings behind our school values and take time to celebrate the pupils and their achievements. During the year, class collective worships and the Messengers role in Year 6 allow pupils the opportunity to lead worship themselves.

Religious Education Curriculum Statement 2024 - 2025

Religious Education Curriculum Overview 2024 - 2025

Religious Education Skills Progression 2023 - 2024