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As a Federation we provide an outstanding education to children across both of our schools.  We are fortunate to be located just minutes away from each school which means that staff and children are able to work and spend time together creating unique links.  We are fortunate to be able to share resources, specialist staff and opportunities across the two schools .  This means that when the children leave Little Marlow to progress up to Holy Trinity, they are already familiar with the Holy Trinity staff and the school and settle in incredibly easily.    Each year the children across the Federation join together for a number of events truly embedding our family spirit.  These include :

  • Healthy Schools Days
  • Performances
  • National Celebrations
  • Outdoor Learning opportunities etc.

We would very much like to show you around our schools.  Please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange an appointment to look around.   

For full and precise details regarding admissions arrangements for both Little Marlow Infant School and Holy Trinity Junior School, please refer to our Federation Admission Policy. 


Little Marlow

We would like to invite parents and children to come to visit Little Marlow to find out more about our amazing village school and the exciting opportunities we have for your child.   

We are a family where we love, learn, grow and respect.  Our Christian Values: consideration, honesty, responsibility, curiosity, perseverance and courage, drive everything we do and are embedded in the daily life of the school.

We work extremely closely with our federated school, Holy Trinity School, and are able to leverage their expertise and resources, for example with Outdoor Learning, Music, Wellbeing and Nurture.  Pupils attending Little Marlow also receive priority admission to Holy Trinity in Year 3.

The school prospectus is available here.

The Governing Body of the Federation (not Buckinghamshire Local Education Authority), is responsible for deciding on admissions to the school, but works closely with the Local Authority who administer admissions on our behalf . Details of the Local Authority arrangements for entry to our Reception Class are on the Buckinghamshire County Council website in the school admission section:

In year admissions are also coordinated through Buckinghamshire LA and the application form is also available through their website.


Visits to the school are very much encouraged.

Please call our school office on 01628 473316

or email office@littlemarlowschool.org.uk  to book an appointment or for details of our autumn term open sessions.


Holy Trinity


Holy Trinity C of E School is a voluntary aided school federated with Little Marlow C of E School.  We are located in the centre of Marlow and have fantastic grounds and facilities to enable every child to thrive.  We are a very nurturing school and believe unless a child is settled, feels happy and safe they are not able to thrive academically.  This ethos is very much reflected in our vision,

"A loving family where we encourage each other to flourish".  

The Governing Body of the Federation (not Buckinghamshire Local Education Authority), is responsible for deciding on admissions to the school, but works closely with the Local Authority who administer admissions on our behalf . Details of the Local Authority arrangements for entry to our Reception Class are on the Buckinghamshire County Council website in the school admission section:

In year admissions are also coordinated through Buckinghamshire LA and the application form is also available through their website.



Visits to the school are strongly encouraged.
Our Year 6 Ambassadors very much enjoy carrying out parent tours.

Please call our school office on 01628 482831

or email office@littlemarlowschool.org.uk to book an appointment or for details of our autumn term open sessions.

Admission Appeals

If you are not successful in being offered a place at either of the Federation's schools, you have the right to appeal the decision. Please find below information pertaining to the admission appeals process.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.