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WAYS TO HELP Fundraising

Here are some ways you can support the school PTA’s fundraising.

Your School Lottery

Your School Lottery
For only £1 per entry per week you can be part of our school lottery.
Just go to www.yourschoollottery.co.uk
What can I win?
Match all 6 numbers for a £25,000 cash prize. Plus each week a ticket from
our group is randomly selected to win 30% of our total earnings.


Easy Fundraising

Easy Fundraising

If you shop online, you can raise FREE donations for Holy Trinity CE(A) School Marlow PTA. Over 4,000 shops and sites will donate to us when you use #easyfundraising to shop with them!

If you’re not already signed up (it’s free!) please support us: Click here
If you’d prefer to use an app on your phone, you can download it here


 Match Funding

Match Funding
Many companies will match charitable fundraising activities undertaken by their staff. The school PTA is a charity which often qualifies for these corporate donations. We are already very lucky to have several parents who have donated matched funds towards the school PTA (Thank you!). If your company will support the school in this way, please get in touch.

Amazon Smile

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support the school every time you shop, at no cost to you.
When you shop at smile.amazon.co.uk, you’ll find the exact same low prices and vast selection, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your selected charity.
When you first click you’ll be asked to register the charity you want
to support (Holy Trinity School Pta (Marlow).
Save to your favourites. Easy!

Empties Please

Printer Cartridge recycling
We have a new collection box for old printer cartridges. Just drop them off in the box in front of the school office. For details of what we can & can’t take click here.