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School Ambassadors

 Children in KS1 are encouraged to become active citizens through volunteering for one of our ambassador roles such as School Council Member, Nutrition Leader, Play Leader and Worship Leader. They successfully take part in meetings, lead school activities and take on additional responsibilities. This is a means of empowering them to become a good citizen in their community. The children apply for these roles themselves at the beginning of each Academic Year.

Job description:


  • You will need to be a good listener and be able to take on the views of others.
  • You will need to be able to speak to groups of children and adults.
  • You should have ideas and be able to think about ways of making things better.
  • You should be able to take responsibility and complete actions with the support of the adults.
  • You should show consideration for others by listening to what they are saying.
  • You will need to be honest and give your opinion to others.

Job description:


  • You will need to perform daily duties such as bringing in from the gate the school milk, and organising breaktime snack.
  • You should be able to take responsibility and complete actions with the support of the adults.
  • You will need to be organised and be in school on time.

Job description:


  • You will need to perform duties such as toy organisation and activity planning.
  • You will need to be able to speak to groups of children and adults.
  • You should be able to take responsibility and complete actions with the support of the adults.
  • You will need to be a responsible role model for others.

Job description:


  • You will need to perform duties such as prayer and music co-ordination.
  • You will need to be able to speak to groups of children and adults.
  • You should be able to take responsibility and complete actions with the support of the adults.